

Integrated Monitoring


Integrated Monitoring

MetaClinic offers its clients a complete follow-up service, based on the most advanced, scientifically validated assessment and monitoring methods that we bring to you.

A team of professionals specialized in the areas of exercise, nutrition, physiology and medicine, coordinated and guaranteeing the best results. All by one team, in one place.

  • Accompanied and personalized training
  • Body composition assessment and monitoring
  • Nutrition
  • Medicine*

With the integrated coaching service, all the skills are included in a single fee, which varies depending on whether you train once, twice or three times a week with a personal trainer.

For more information, please contact us.

*Medical follow-up is reserved for cases that warrant it, and within the scope of the endocrinology specialty.

Physical activity is a fundamental pillar of health and well-being that should not be missing from MetaClinic's program. Whatever your primary objective, we have a team of trainers who will accompany you in a personalized way. Whether it's training at our facilities, or prescribing a plan that you can follow at home or at another gym.


Would you like more information or to make an appointment?

Fill in the form and choose the service(s) you want so we can help.

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